영어 뉴스

141120 Lake-effect Snow

해피써니랑 2014. 11. 22. 16:01

141120 Lake-effect snow piles on Buffalo, New York.

That`s because average snowfall inBuffalo, New York is about 94 inches per year.

미국 뉴욕 버팔로의 1 평균 강설량은 240센티미터입니다.

The city`s gotten 72inches since Tuesday, and has caused emergencies.

화요일부터 180센티미터의 눈이 내려 비상상황을 맞았습니다.

At least six deaths in region havebeen blamed on this winter storm.

적어도 6명이 겨울 폭풍으로 숨졌습니다.

It`s monstrous.

정말 무시무시합니다.

People were trapped incars, firehouses were turned into shelters.

사람들은 차에 갇혔고소방서는 대피소가 되었습니다.

Residents aren`t even allowed todrive in south Buffalo where rescuers are using 18 snowmobiles to answeremergency calls.

버팔로 남부지역에서는 차량 운행이 금지되었고 구조대원들이 스노우모빌 18개로 긴급상황에 대처하고 있습니다.

Buffalo is locatedon Lake Erie.

버팔로는 이리호에 위치하고 있습니다.

It often sees lakeeffect snow when cold air passes over warmer water, picks up moisture from thelake and dumps snow on Erie`s east or south of the lake.

 공기가 따뜻한  위를 지날  lake effect snow 종종 내립니다호수의 습기를 끌고 와서 이리호의 남부나 동부에 눈을 뿌리는 것이죠.

Buffalo is not theonly shivering city.

추위에 떠는 곳이 버팔로뿐이 아닙니다.

Every U.S. state saw freezingtemperatures this week and arctic air brought snow to half of them.

미국 모든 주의 기온이 이번 주에 얼어붙었습니다극지방의 공기가 미국 절반에 눈을 뿌렸습니다.
